Puerto Rico. The Rock. The Island.
I did my first tour of Puerto Rico as a 24 year old babyface in 1997. It was my first wrestling trip outside of the continental United States. Heck, it was my first time on a plane for wrestling!

I stayed for about five weeks. But in those initial five weeks, I learned how it was to work a territory. The last territory.
The schedule was rough, but what I dreamed about. You would start your week on Tuesday with TV promos for the weekend house shows. On Wednesday, you would do TV and could wrestle three times. Then you would do house shows Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and finish up on Sunday afternoon on the other side of the island. Seven matches in one week in a very dangerous and hard ring. It was awesome!
11 years later, I came back to participate in the Anniversary event to wrestle Eugene. As the show went on (I was the opener), I spoke with Carlos Colon and he offered me a full time spot as the lead heavyweight heel and help with the booking. I said that I would come if Guillotine LeGrande came and helped out. LeGrande is probably the most under rated mind that I’ve been around in my career. I knew that he could help Carlos and WWC.
For the next nine months, Chuck (Guillotine) and I would battle it out with ideas with Carlos on how to improve business. We believed in old school booking, but building the next generation of who we thought would be stars. Guys like BJ, Carlitos, Tommy Diablo, Angel, and others. We knew we’d be okay with guys like me and Ray Gonzalez working the old school heavyweight style, but also knew that eventually it would be the junior heavyweights game. We brought in Ricky Reyes to help out the young guys and they were having kick a$$ matches. It was a fun time to be in WWC.
But this picture brought back memories of my favorite thing I did in Puerto Rico: The introduction of the “Black Glove”.
As a kid, I loved, but was in fear, of Ted DiBiase’s black glove in Georgia Championship Wrestling. He would load up the glove and destroy babyface after babyface. I always wanted to be that type of heel. 
LeGrande hated it. Still does. I would pitch it for every finish on the Island. He’d get hot. I would sleep with the glove next to my pillow (we were roommates.). He would hide the glove and I would always have an extra.
In February of 2009, I defeated Ray Gonzalez for the WWC Universal heavyweight title with that loaded glove.
Almost nine years later, LeGrande still hates that finish.
Ahhh, the memories!

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