Corino vs. Corino

Corino vs. Corino I was going through “On This Day” on Facebook and saw this match. Mandel Cook filmed our PWF ( ) event on November 5, 2016 in Morehead City, NC and it was al ...

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Extreme Horsemen

This was supposed to be my Throw Back Thursday, but lets call it a Flashback Friday! The Extreme Horsemen. Who were/are the Extreme Horsemen is a question I get a lot. And I don’t know if CW Anderson an ...

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Kevin Sullivan

Kevin Sullivan. If you are as old as I am, and a lifelong pro-wrestling fan, then Kevin Sullivan gave you nightmares as a kid. He was “The Devil” and wanted to rid the earth of “The A ...

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Neck Surgery

Two years ago today, I had neck surgery. A neck surgery that, in my mind, I knew that I needed for a while, but was in denial. But the more my left arm got weaker and the more numbness I would feel, I ...

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Puerto Rico Memories

Puerto Rico. The Rock. The Island. I did my first tour of Puerto Rico as a 24 year old babyface in 1997. It was my first wrestling trip outside of the continental United States. Heck, it was my first t ...

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Roddy Piper

Growing up, my first love was Georgia Champjonship Wrestling. Of course, like any eight year old, Tommy Wildfire Rich was my favorite wrestler. But then there was Roddy Piper. He was hated by the Georg ...

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